Friday, May 30, 2008


I I i have been painting a lot lately. When I start teaching at George Mason in the fall I hope to take an oil painting class as I only paint in acrylics now. I have been able to sell a couple of that is pretty neat. I am hoping for my birthday to get a used Canon SLR like my Uncle Chris has in order to take up my photography again in a more aggressive fashion. I have been wanting one for some time, but Miriam told me you can get them used for cheap--like $300 as opposed to $1000 for a new one. If my dad is reading this maybe he can donate an old body to the cause of furthering his daughter's artistic endeavors.... here are a couple of my rough paintings.


Miriam said...

this is why beer rocks!! Erudite and Nefarious... I would have bespoked some... mouthy biotch with a deadly undertone of miscreance...
XO!!! so glad you're putting down some live fun in words

Arin said...

Thanks I think. Confused about the beer though. Was I drunk? Were you?