Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Stone House: Ariness and Mirabelle

The Stone House: Ariness and Mirabelle

These shots and musings from Miriam really meant a lot to me. Plus there is an old High school shot worth looking at....

2 other blogs

Check out the stone house HF for an exemplar of great blogging and photos, as well as Jason Osder;s blog. Really smart stuff.

The Stone House: Arin Mason in Scottish means, funny as all hell...

The Stone House: Arin Mason in Scottish means, funny as all hell...

The Stone House: 81 and sunny, MY ASS!!

The Stone House: 81 and sunny, MY ASS!!

Check out Miriam's better more loqacious blog about our camping trip. hahaha!

Everybody loves DJ BK

Like LL Cool J, BK gets a lot of press for her stylo and general wonderfulness that she has brought to my life as well as everybody else's for that matter. I love this cat! Note the Kanye West pink polo....Niiiccceee.

BK owns bars and clubs in the city and has been a freind of mine for years, iI used to dance in her clubs and now Romy is representing. God Bless!

We went camping with Chris and Miriam and had a blast

It rained us in, we made beer corralls, feell asleep on rocks in the sun and had a hootenanny of a good time.

Let us just remember Miriam has been my very best friend from the time I was 13. We had fun fer sure.

Jason and Chris sure know how to set up a good camp site and we had a greatd inner with fresh farm veggies C & M picked themselves.

I was subjected to many lascivious jokes made at my expense resulting from a debaucherous night in harper's ferry where my mouth ran away with me. B.J.Q. reigns on !

New works in progress

I started teaching at 2 universities this week and it has been hectic. I have been up since 3 with insomnia....worried about getting things ready. I like the kids they seem smart and engaged thus far. I have been painting a lot around talks of a show in NYC! I don't know if it will materialize but I thought I would mention it. Herer are some unfinished new pieces. Please let me knowwhat you think and if you would like to hold a piece please let me know. I will put finished pieces up later.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New York City!

I miss NYC tons and think about going back all the time, but where would I keep Jason? hahaha
Romy bouight me a ticket up there for my bday and we had a blast. We had 2 BBQs and went dancing every night. The train ride there was a disaster with it totalling a 51/2 hour ride, but I got there safe and sound and was happy to see everyone. Romy and I have not hung out just the two of us in a whileso it was great to spend that kind of time with her. We seriously hung out! Here are some pics.

This summer

I have been teaching chinese national girls college level writing. They are only in the 6th grade and are aleady getting ready for the SATS! They are a hoot and say things like "ms. Mason, don't you think it is ironic that your name is Mason and you teach at George Mason University"? Why yes I do! This is my last week, I have enjoyed myself. Our classes last 3 hours a day in Fairfax county and we sure do write a lot. Here are some pics...

On the last day of class they all gave me letters thanking me for what they learned. My favorite was from my star student Lucia. She wrote "Dear Ms. Mason, thanks for teaching us about college and writing effectively. Also thanks for teaching us about WWII and especially Adolph Hitler. Thanks for the doughnuts. " can't go wrong in a class of 11 year olds when you incorporate Hitler and douhnuts seamlessly into one session. Top them apples!

PS Arent they adorable?